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Welcome to MAXuniversity

February 14, 2007

Earn your degree from MAXuniversity –'s own online institution of higher investing education.

Current courses include:

MAXuniversity - Part I – Investing Basics. An overview of the whole investing enchilada. We'll teach you the difference between a stock and a bond, give you the lowdown on options trading, and tell you why investing in Beanie Babies is not really such a good idea.

MAXuniversity - Part II – Everything you always wanted to know about mutual funds, but were afraid to ask. Here you'll learn what mutual funds are, how they work, and why you should probably be in 'em.

MAXuniversity - Part III –'s Seven Rules of Mutual Fund Investing. A simple, step by step guide for finding this year's hot mutual funds, before they show up on the cover of next year's Money Magazine.


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