Powerfund Portfolios Performance Review
May 2014 Performance Review
In May, lingering global stock and bond market fears evaporated like air conditioner condensation on hot asphalt. We even had a (hopefully) weather-induced negative first quarter GDP figure. Previously lagging emerging markets rebounded while the S&P 500 gained over 2%. More surprising (to some) was a retreat in interest rates, pushing bond prices higher and likely playing a role in stock prices rising. ...read the rest of this article»
Stock Funds | 1mo % |
Gold Short (DZZ) | 5.94% |
iShares MSCI BRIC Index (BKF) | 4.48% |
Vanguard Telecom Services ETF (VOX) | 3.87% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Emerging Mkts Stock Idx (VEIEX) | 3.72% |
Vanguard MegaCap Growth (MGK) | 3.59% |
PRIMECAP Odyssey Growth (POGRX) | 2.71% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard 500 Index (VFINX) | 2.34% |
Vanguard Europe Pacific ETF (VEA) | 1.77% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Tax-Managed Intl Adm (VTMGX) | 1.63% |
Artisan Global Equity (ARTHX) | 1.62% |
Wasatch Frontier Emerg Sm Count (WAFMX) | 1.53% |
Vanguard European ETF (VGK) | 0.78% |
Wasatch Long/Short (FMLSX) | 0.67% |
American Century Utility Income (BULIX) | 0.57% |
Satuit Capital Micro Cap (SATMX) | -1.76% |
PowerShares DB Crude Oil Dble Short (DTO) | -7.58% |
Bond Funds | 1mo % |
Vanguard Extended Duration Treasury (EDV) | 4.10% |
Vanguard Long-Term Bond Index ETF (BLV) | 2.07% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Total Bond Index (VBMFX) | 1.05% |
PIMCO Mortgage Opportunities D (PMZDX) | 1.02% |
DoubleLine Floating Rate N (DLFRX) | 0.43% |
April 2014 Performance Review
April was similar to March in that conservative investments outperformed growth. This again played well into our Conservative portfolio, which posted a 1.28% return in April. That beat the stock and bond markets and continued this year's nice streak. ...read the rest of this article»
Stock Funds | 1mo % |
Vanguard European ETF (VGK) | 4.16% |
Wasatch Frontier Emerg Sm Count (WAFMX) | 2.84% |
Vanguard Europe Pacific ETF (VEA) | 2.62% |
American Century Utility Income (BULIX) | 2.26% |
PowerShares DB Crude Oil Dble Short (DTO) | 1.76% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Tax-Managed Intl Adm (VTMGX) | 1.51% |
Wasatch Long/Short (FMLSX) | 0.98% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard 500 Index (VFINX) | 0.72% |
Vanguard MegaCap Growth (MGK) | 0.55% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Emerging Mkts Stock Idx (VEIEX) | 0.51% |
Artisan Global Equity (ARTHX) | -0.68% |
Vanguard Telecom Services ETF (VOX) | -0.81% |
iShares MSCI BRIC Index (BKF) | -0.86% |
Gold Short (DZZ) | -0.90% |
PRIMECAP Odyssey Growth (POGRX) | -3.94% |
Satuit Capital Micro Cap (SATMX) | -5.01% |
Bond Funds | 1mo % |
Vanguard Extended Duration Treasury (EDV) | 2.95% |
Vanguard Long-Term Bond Index ETF (BLV) | 2.40% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Total Bond Index (VBMFX) | 0.77% |
PIMCO Mortgage Opportunities D (PMZDX) | 0.38% |
DoubleLine Floating Rate N (DLFRX) | -0.06% |
March 2014 Performance Review
There was particular strength in Utilities and Telecom (and value stocks in general) in March. We own these sectors in both of our portfolios. Interestingly healthcare - usually attractive to value oriented investors and those seeking safety (not including biotech) - was weak. We recently got out of healthcare because it has just had too many years of outperformance and the biotech area in particular was becoming volatile and too hot after very strong performance. ...read the rest of this article»
Stock Funds | 1mo % |
Gold Short (DZZ) | 5.91% |
Vanguard Telecom Services ETF (VOX) | 5.33% |
American Century Utility Income (BULIX) | 4.06% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Emerging Mkts Stock Idx (VEIEX) | 3.86% |
iShares MSCI BRIC Index (BKF) | 3.49% |
Wasatch Frontier Emerg Sm Count (WAFMX) | 2.26% |
Wasatch Long/Short (FMLSX) | 1.43% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard 500 Index (VFINX) | 0.82% |
PowerShares DB Crude Oil Dble Short (DTO) | 0.71% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Tax-Managed Intl Adm (VTMGX) | -0.42% |
Vanguard Europe Pacific ETF (VEA) | -1.41% |
Vanguard MegaCap Growth (MGK) | -1.51% |
Satuit Capital Micro Cap (SATMX) | -1.77% |
PRIMECAP Odyssey Growth (POGRX) | -1.99% |
Vanguard European ETF (VGK) | -2.13% |
Artisan Global Equity (ARTHX) | -2.94% |
Bond Funds | 1mo % |
Vanguard Extended Duration Treasury (EDV) | 1.91% |
Vanguard Long-Term Bond Index ETF (BLV) | 0.91% |
DoubleLine Floating Rate N (DLFRX) | 0.16% |
PIMCO Mortgage Opportunities D (PMZDX) | 0.10% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Total Bond Index (VBMFX) | -0.15% |
February 2014 Performance Review
The seesaw is back. A market that was looking a little scary in January and early February rebounded strongly, leaving the stocks basically flat for the year (until, that is, the start of March when Russian mischief sent stocks plummeting anew). ...read the rest of this article»
Stock Funds | 1mo % |
Vanguard European ETF (VGK) | 7.34% |
Vanguard Europe Pacific ETF (VEA) | 5.95% |
Artisan Global Equity (ARTHX) | 5.91% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Tax-Managed Intl Adm (VTMGX) | 5.73% |
PRIMECAP Odyssey Growth (POGRX) | 5.72% |
Vanguard MegaCap Growth (MGK) | 5.26% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard 500 Index (VFINX) | 4.56% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Emerging Mkts Stock Idx (VEIEX) | 3.42% |
American Century Utility Income (BULIX) | 2.90% |
Satuit Capital Micro Cap (SATMX) | 2.89% |
iShares MSCI BRIC Index (BKF) | 2.19% |
Wasatch Long/Short (FMLSX) | 2.09% |
Wasatch Frontier Emerg Sm Count (WAFMX) | 1.64% |
Vanguard Telecom Services ETF (VOX) | -0.64% |
PowerShares DB Crude Oil Dble Short (DTO) | -11.67% |
Gold Short (DZZ) | -12.81% |
Bond Funds | 1mo % |
Vanguard Long-Term Bond Index ETF (BLV) | 1.01% |
PIMCO Mortgage Opportunities D (PMZDX) | 0.59% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Total Bond Index (VBMFX) | 0.48% |
Vanguard Extended Duration Treasury (EDV) | 0.35% |
DoubleLine Floating Rate N (DLFRX) | 0.03% |
January 2014 Performance Review
The almost uninterrupted upward run in U.S. stocks ended in January, with a 3.5% drop in the S&P 500, a slide that so far is continuing into February. While hardly severe by historic standards, this was the worst month for stocks since May 2012 and we’re now down about 5% from all-time highs. ...read the rest of this article»
Stock Funds | 1mo % |
PowerShares DB Crude Oil Dble Short (DTO) | 2.71% |
PRIMECAP Odyssey Growth (POGRX) | 0.64% |
American Century Utility Income (BULIX) | 0.06% |
Wasatch Frontier Emerg Sm Count (WAFMX) | -1.93% |
Artisan Global Equity (ARTHX) | -2.72% |
Vanguard Telecom Services ETF (VOX) | -2.80% |
Wasatch Long/Short (FMLSX) | -2.84% |
Vanguard MegaCap Growth (MGK) | -3.38% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard 500 Index (VFINX) | -3.47% |
Satuit Capital Micro Cap (SATMX) | -3.77% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Tax-Managed Intl Adm (VTMGX) | -4.57% |
Vanguard European ETF (VGK) | -4.57% |
Vanguard Europe Pacific ETF (VEA) | -5.21% |
Gold Short (DZZ) | -6.63% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Emerging Mkts Stock Idx (VEIEX) | -7.27% |
iShares MSCI BRIC Index (BKF) | -9.13% |
Bond Funds | 1mo % |
Vanguard Extended Duration Treasury (EDV) | 9.71% |
Vanguard Long-Term Bond Index ETF (BLV) | 5.38% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Total Bond Index (VBMFX) | 1.54% |
PIMCO Mortgage Opportunities D (PMZDX) | 1.32% |
DoubleLine Floating Rate N (DLFRX) | 0.45% |
Powerfund Portfolios Year-End Review
In hindsight, it was a year in which to invest wholeheartedly in U.S. stocks, the perfect cap to a multi-year trend of outperformance that began right about the time everyone gave up on America ...read the rest of this article»
Stock Funds | 1mo % |
Gold Short (DZZ) | 7.25% |
Satuit Capital Micro Cap (SATMX) | 4.67% |
Artisan Global Equity (ARTHX) | 3.39% |
Vanguard MegaCap Growth (MGK) | 3.36% |
Vanguard European ETF (VGK) | 2.93% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard 500 Index (VFINX) | 2.51% |
Vanguard Telecom Services ETF (VOX) | 2.18% |
Vanguard Europe Pacific ETF (VEA) | 1.88% |
PRIMECAP Odyssey Growth (POGRX) | 1.66% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Tax-Managed Intl Adm (VTMGX) | 1.59% |
Wasatch Long/Short (FMLSX) | 0.86% |
American Century Utility Income (BULIX) | 0.71% |
Wasatch Frontier Emerg Sm Count (WAFMX) | 0.17% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Emerging Mkts Stock Idx (VEIEX) | -0.96% |
iShares MSCI BRIC Index (BKF) | -1.84% |
PowerShares DB Crude Oil Dble Short (DTO) | -11.30% |
Bond Funds | 1mo % |
DoubleLine Floating Rate N (DLFRX) | 0.22% |
PIMCO Mortgage Opportunities D (PMZDX) | -0.28% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Total Bond Index (VBMFX) | -0.65% |
PIMCO BOND ETF (BOND) | -0.66% |
Vanguard Long-Term Bond Index ETF (BLV) | -1.02% |
2013 is turning out to be among the best calendar years for stocks ever. With November’s 3% rise in the S&P 500, we’re now up almost 29% for the year. But the excitement was mostly in U.S. stocks. Bonds sunk slightly and emerging market stocks dropped just over 2%. Larger foreign stocks also underperformed, up less than 1%. ...read the rest of this article»
Stock Funds | 1mo % |
Gold Short (DZZ) | 11.16% |
PowerShares DB Crude Oil Dble Short (DTO) | 6.84% |
Satuit Capital Micro Cap (SATMX) | 4.85% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard 500 Index (VFINX) | 3.03% |
PRIMECAP Odyssey Growth (POGRX) | 2.90% |
Artisan Global Equity (ARTHX) | 2.71% |
Vanguard MegaCap Growth (MGK) | 2.58% |
Vanguard European ETF (VGK) | 1.02% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Tax-Managed Intl Adm (VTMGX) | 0.69% |
Vanguard Europe Pacific ETF (VEA) | 0.66% |
Wasatch Long/Short (FMLSX) | 0.55% |
Wasatch Frontier Emerg Sm Count (WAFMX) | 0.32% |
iShares MSCI BRIC Index (BKF) | 0.16% |
American Century Utility Income (BULIX) | -1.43% |
Vanguard Telecom Services ETF (VOX) | -1.69% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Emerging Mkts Stock Idx (VEIEX) | -2.02% |
Bond Funds | 1mo % |
DoubleLine Floating Rate N (DLFRX) | 0.41% |
PIMCO Mortgage Opportunities D (PMZDX) | 0.31% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Total Bond Index (VBMFX) | -0.35% |
PIMCO BOND ETF (BOND) | -0.39% |
Vanguard Long-Term Bond Index ETF (BLV) | -1.76% |
October 2013 Performance Review
In October stocks went back to their old tricks and treats…see-sawing up and down on scary financial news but ultimately ending with a big gain. As the specter of global calamity resulting from a shutdown and defaulting U.S. Government fell to the wayside (at least for a few months…) the stock market sprang back to life, and is now up for the year about as much as the entire year of 2008 – a major rebound year for stocks after a sharp slide. ...read the rest of this article»
Stock Funds | 1mo % |
PowerShares DB Crude Oil Dble Short (DTO) | 11.13% |
Vanguard Telecom Services ETF (VOX) | 7.11% |
American Century Utility Income (BULIX) | 5.10% |
Vanguard MegaCap Growth (MGK) | 4.86% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Emerging Mkts Stock Idx (VEIEX) | 4.65% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard 500 Index (VFINX) | 4.59% |
Wasatch Frontier Emerg Sm Count (WAFMX) | 4.38% |
Vanguard European ETF (VGK) | 4.18% |
iShares MSCI BRIC Index (BKF) | 3.57% |
Wasatch Long/Short (FMLSX) | 3.29% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Tax-Managed Intl Adm (VTMGX) | 3.23% |
Vanguard Europe Pacific ETF (VEA) | 3.21% |
Satuit Capital Micro Cap (SATMX) | 2.67% |
PRIMECAP Odyssey Growth (POGRX) | 2.12% |
Artisan Global Equity (ARTHX) | 1.59% |
Gold Short (DZZ) | 0.00% |
Bond Funds | 1mo % |
Vanguard Long-Term Bond Index ETF (BLV) | 2.33% |
Vanguard Extended Duration Treasury (EDV) | 1.89% |
PIMCO Mortgage Opportunities D (PMZDX) | 1.01% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Total Bond Index (VBMFX) | 0.78% |
DoubleLine Floating Rate N (DLFRX) | 0.47% |
September 2013 Performance Review
September’s portfolio performance was not expected - in what was a strong market for stocks our Aggressive portfolio beat the market, and Conservative portfolio came pretty close. ...read the rest of this article»
Stock Funds | 1mo % |
Gold Short (DZZ) | 9.88% |
iShares MSCI BRIC Index (BKF) | 8.98% |
PowerShares DB Crude Oil Dble Short (DTO) | 8.51% |
Vanguard Europe Pacific ETF (VEA) | 7.85% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Tax-Managed Intl Adm (VTMGX) | 7.52% |
Vanguard European ETF (VGK) | 7.18% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Emerging Mkts Stock Idx (VEIEX) | 7.15% |
Satuit Capital Micro Cap (SATMX) | 5.93% |
Artisan Global Equity (ARTHX) | 4.87% |
Vanguard MegaCap Growth (MGK) | 4.85% |
Wasatch Frontier Emerg Sm Count (WAFMX) | 4.21% |
PRIMECAP Odyssey Growth (POGRX) | 3.57% |
Wasatch Long/Short (FMLSX) | 3.47% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard 500 Index (VFINX) | 3.12% |
Vanguard Telecom Services ETF (VOX) | 2.96% |
American Century Utility Income (BULIX) | 1.29% |
Bond Funds | 1mo % |
PIMCO Mortgage Opportunities D (PMZDX) | 1.11% |
[Benchmark] Vanguard Total Bond Index (VBMFX) | 0.94% |
Vanguard Long-Term Bond Index ETF (BLV) | 0.61% |
DoubleLine Floating Rate N (DLFRX) | 0.05% |
Vanguard Extended Duration Treasury (EDV) | -0.42% |

June 2014 Performance Review
The market seems to be moving up on a combination of low interest rates, an economy that isn't quite as weak as feared, and a hot market for smaller growth stocks. ...read the rest of this article»