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It's Not All Sub-Prime's Fault

08/17/07 - Sub Prime Woes

Sure, the sub-prime mortgage mess played a big part in this week's wild market gyrations, but it wasn't the only factor. Charley Blaine at MSN Money says there's plenty of blame to go around, and points the finger at hedge funds, quant models, even the securities and exchange commission.


E*Trade Stops Offering HELOCs Below Prime

In another sign that lending standards are tightening fast, starting today E*TRADE Financial Corporation (ETFC) no longer offers home equity lines of credit (HELOC) at rates below Prime regardless of a borrower’s credit rating or equity in the home. This comes just a few days after some less liquid, investment grade mortgage related securities were repriced downward, hurting some safe bond funds...

Why You Should Worry About Your Bond Funds

Today’s mutual fund investor is offered a broad range of choices covering every imaginable risk level - everything from essentially no-risk money market funds to leveraged sector short funds that can fall 10% or more in a single day.

As long as an investor understands the risks, investing in a risky fund in not inherently any better or worse than investing in a safe fund. With more risk comes more reward.
A risky fund tends to rise faster but fall harder. By researching a fund’s potential upside and downside an investor can make an informed decision whether or not they should invest in that fund...

Backdoor Men

Some fund managers are the financial equivalent of rock stars - investing idols that pack their famous funds like Springsteen fills Giant Stadium. But as anyone who's ever been stuck in the nosebleeds when attending a concert at a mega-arena can tell you, sometimes smaller is better. Same goes with mutual funds. Rob Wherry at Smartmoney
points out
that investors can get more intimate access to some of the biggest names in fund management by investing in their lesser-known offerings...

Buying Opportunity?

We can’t say we’re particularly upset about the recent drop. At the end of June we cut back on our stock allocations, increased our longer-term investment grade bond stakes, and even added some funds that short stocks. In fact, we’d like to see some more weakness in the market so we can go on a mini-buying spree.